Latest News

  • Thank you Kent for supporting our BBQ fundraisers
  •  Date Posted: Mon, 9 Sep 2024
    Newfound Sound would like to send a huge shout out to Kent Mount Pearl and Stavanger Drive for providing the space and equipment for two BBQ fundraisers that we held in August. We also want to thank all the supporters who stopped by for lunch and donated funds to support our upcoming chorus contest activities! And many thanks to our members who organized and attended these events. This was an awesome way to wrap up our summer fundraising activities. Stay tuned for more great events planned for the fall!

  • Thank you NL Folk Festival 2024
  •  Date Posted: Fri, 19 Jul 2024
    Thank you NL Folk Festival 2024
    Newfound Sound was very excited to be invited to perform for the first time at the NL Folk Festival 2024 in Bannerman Park! It was a beautiful day to share our voices at this free event. We really enjoyed hearing the other groups sing, and taking in all the talent and entertainment that was available over the weekend. Thank you so much to the festival organizers, and to NL Year of Arts for providing funding to hold the free afternoon shows in the park! Maybe we'll see you again next year! 🎶
  • Newfound Sound shines at AC&C 2024 in Sackville Newbrunswick
  •  Date Posted: Tue, 25 Jun 2024
    Newfound Sound shines at AC&C 2024 in Sackville Newbrunswick
    Finally...we made it to Sackville, New Brunswick for Area 1 AC&C 2024 IN PERSON for the first time since 2019! We were thrilled and excited to be there with 22 members, including five first timers and our brand new director Dr. Phil Roberts!  The travel to NB had its lumps with flight changes, booking car rentals, car pooling, etc. But all were present and accounted for by Thursday afternoon. We were warmly welcomed by our Area 1 sisters. The newly renovated Windsor Hall provided perfect accommodations with everything we could possibly need and then some. What a treat to spend time with the Harmony Inc. experts in education classes, soaking in the all the tips and tricks of bbs singing.

    The chorus was so excited to watch Silvern Voices in the quartet contest, with first time quartet members Suzanne Bungay (tenor) and Anna Tapper (lead), and long time members Madeline Power (baritone) and June Cousens (bass). They looked beautiful in their blue sparkle tops, matched only by their bright faces while enjoying every minute of the whole experience! Then the chorus finally got its five minutes of fame on the contest stage, where we were welcomed like rock stars by all our Area 1 members, friends, supporters, and a few family members too! The real highlight was to sing for our contest package, and watch Phil take his first ever bows as our chorus director! It was all amazing! As part of the audience, we had the treat of watching the other choruses, seeing the ScotianAires, Valley Voices and Seaside A Cappella receive their 1st, 2nd and 3rd place ribbons, along with all the qualifiers. With over 320 delegates singing our theme song and so many more song selections throughout the weekend was truly food for the soul! Our own Madeline Power was awarded the 2024 Ann Connolly Award for her endless support and dedication to Harmony, Area 1 and Newfound Sound chapter. And of course, the fun night party, where we inaugurated Phil to the world of barbershop at Camp Newfound Sound! Such fun to watch all the choruses and quartets...and judges...entertaining us with their songs, skits and costumes! Thanks to all who made AC&C 2024 so special and memorable. We sure hope to do it all again soon! 

  • 2024 Barbershopper of the Year Award to Diane Power
  •  Date Posted: Sun, 23 Jun 2024

    Diane Power was voted as BBS of the Year 2024 by chorus members for going above and beyond in her support of Newfound Sound. Diane was recognized for her commitment to singing in her bass section, her work on the Board of Directors as Vice President/Membership Chair, Face Book Administrator, her work on fundraising projects,  PR activities, support for recruitment of potential members and performance opportunities, and especially for her welcoming friendly attitude with visitors and new members. Diane, thanks so much for all you do for Newfound Sound! 
  • Madeline Power receives the 2024 Ann Connolly Award
  •  Date Posted: Sun, 23 Jun 2024
    Madeline Power receives the 2024 Ann Connolly Award

    Newfound Sound congratulates Madeline Power on receiving the 2024 Ann Connolly Leadership Award at AC&C 2024. This Area 1 award is in recognition of Madeline's love of life, her undying enthusiasm for barbershop singing, her commitment to her Chapter and Area 1, and her outstanding leadership abilities. Congratulations Madeline is a true ambassador for our organization at all three levels. Her positive attitude and willingness to help in any way she can, and her love of barbershop singing, shows that she represents the essence of our harmony creed and our commitment to empowering women in friendship and song! Madeline, we are so proud of you. Thank you for everything you do!
  • Congratulations Silvern Voices
  •  Date Posted: Sun, 23 Jun 2024
    Congratulations Silvern Voices
    Congratulations Silvern Voices quartet (L-R Madeline Power baritone, Anna Tapper lead, June Cousens bass, Suzanne Bungay tenor) on a wonderful and exciting first-time quartet contest performance at AC&C in Sackville, New Brunswick in May 2024.  The experience was amazing! The audience was so supportive! The feedback from the judges was so helpful as we move forward on  building our blend and singing style!  Thanks to our chorus, Newfound Sound for your support and good wishes!
  • Adele Merritt visits Newfound Sound for a fabulous coaching weekend!
  •  Date Posted: Wed, 24 Apr 2024
    Adele Merritt visits Newfound Sound for a fabulous coaching weekend!

    Our chorus is very excited; getting ready for AC&C 2024 in Sackville, New Brunswick in May! To help us prepare, we were so thrilled to spend three days with Adele Merritt, Harmony Inc. certified musicality judge, coach, and Valley Voices director. Adele's positive energy was infectious and her creative interpretation was inspiring. We worked hard, but we saved a little time for fun and socializing. Adele is now an Honourary Newfound Sounder! Thanks for all your support, Adele. See you at AC&C!

  • Easter gift of song to St. James United Church
  •  Date Posted: Sun, 7 Apr 2024

    Newfound Sound had the pleasure of sharing its harmony with the congregation at the St. James United Church service today. We would like to thank them for the invitation to sing during this wonderful season of Easter, and for the continued support they give to the chorus! 
  • Happy International Women's Day!
  •  Date Posted: Fri, 8 Mar 2024

    Happy International Women's Day from Newfound Sound acappella chorus! Empowering women through education, friendship and singing since 1988! 
  • Newfound Sound and Purdy"s Chocolate fundraiser
  •  Date Posted: Fri, 1 Mar 2024

    Calling all chocolate-lovers!...

    Newfound Sound Barbershop Chorus has teamed up with Purdy's Chocolatier to raise money to travel to Sackville to represent our province at Harmony Inc.'s Atlantic barbershop contest and convention, May 31 to June 2.  It’ll be the first time in five years!

    From now until March 9, shop, order and enjoy the tastiest selection of gourmet Easter chocolates for family, friends, neighbours and yourself from Purdy's on-line Easter catalogue in support of Newfound Sound’s fundraising campaign.  (Did someone say caramel or peanut butter-filled chocolate eggs?!)  

    All fundraising profit raised will directly support Newfound Sound. Every order is step closer to our goal.

    Please note: If you aren’t interested in buying chocolates from us, we would deeply appreciate it if you could share this fundraiser link below to everyone you know! 

    Ordering is as easy as eating chocolate!...

    1. Go to our fundraising campaign on Purdy's website: 

    2. Click “Join Campaign” and it will take you to Newfound Sound’s Easter Campaign order page.

    3. Set up an account by entering your e-mail address, a passcode and your contact information.

    4. Newfound Sound’s fundraising campaign page will appear. Scroll up to the menu across the top in deep  purple and click on “Shop On-line”.

    5. You should then see two graphics: Use On-line Order Form and Use Marketplace. Click on Use Marketplace to browse the on-line catalogue with photos of Purdy’s Easter products, to choose your chocolates. Hop to it and fill up your Easter basket either by clicking on your choices on the catalogue’s product quantity blocksor by completing the order form.
    Click on “Save” and “Proceed to Check-out.”
    6. Complete the payment section using Visa or Mastercard. (An 8% shipping fee plus HST, is added to your order.)

    7. Products will arrive between March 25 to 30 at the co-ordinator’s house You will be notified by her or your contact to make arrangements for pick-up or delivery.

    Check out our web site ( and our Facebook site for up-dates about our chorus's activities!

    Newfound Sound thanks you very much for your support!  Happy Easter!
  • Newfound Sound celebrated 35 years with Harmony Inc.
  •  Date Posted: Thu, 15 Feb 2024
    Newfound Sound celebrated 35 years with Harmony Inc.
    Newfound Sound celebrated its 35 years as chartered members of Harmony Inc. Over 100 members, former members, family and friends were in attendance at the Legion in Pleasantville on Feb. 9, 2024. There was singing, reminiscing, reuniting with old friends, photos, awards, and lots of fun! Thank you to all who attended. A special thank you to our new director, Dr. Phil Roberts, on his inaugural performance with our chorus! We are looking forward to many more years of friendship and song to come!
  • Newfound Sound Celebrates 35 years!
  •  Date Posted: Tue, 6 Feb 2024
    Newfound Sound Celebrates 35 years!
  • Newfound Sound welcomes new director Dr. Phil Roberts
  •  Date Posted: Wed, 10 Jan 2024
    Newfound Sound welcomes new director Dr. Phil Roberts

    Dr. Phil Roberts has served as visiting assistant professor of piano for the School of Music at Memorial University, as accompanist and vocal coach for the instrumental and vocal faculties at Memorial, and as a much sought-after collaborative colleague in the larger St. John’s community. His solo and collaborative work has taken him across Canada and to the U.S. and Europe, where his impressively broad performance skills have allowed him to enjoy work in the genres of jazz, opera and musical theatre as well as classical chamber music. Phil was the founder and executive director of PlayPianoNL, an organization that helped to build a community of pianists in Newfoundland and Labrador and to inspire a deep love of the piano in countless young musicians.


    Dr. Roberts holds graduate degrees in piano performance from the University of Montreal and has nearly a decade of experience teaching at the university level. He is currently a freelance musician in St John’s, NL, as well as the pianist of Trinitas Chamber Ensemble ( Dr. Roberts also runs a hybrid online/in-person piano studio with students across Newfoundland and Labrador. In addition to his piano work, Dr. Roberts is the Director of the St. John’s Chamber Choir, Associate Director of the St. John’s Choir, pianist for the Philharmonic Choir of the Newfoundland Symphony Orchestra (PCNSO), and is the Music Director at Cowan Heights United Church in St. John’s. He is also delighted to begin his new role as Director of Newfound Sound Women’s Barbershop Chorus in 2024.

    Welcome Dr. Phil!

  • Harmony Amongst as Sea of Poinsettias
  •  Date Posted: Sat, 9 Dec 2023
    Harmony Amongst as Sea of Poinsettias
    Newfound Sound was thrilled to be invited again this year to sing amongst a sea of gorgeous poinsettias at Rise n' Shine Nursery. This wonderful fundraiser in support of Daffodil Place had beautiful plants, holiday arrangements and gifts, Santa and his rival The Grinch, and lots supporters to enjoy all the festivities! We are very proud to support Linda Ryan in her efforts to raise funds for this important cause! Every member was gifted an lovely red poinsettia in appreciation of our participation! Thanks to everyone who supported this event! 🎄
  • Newfound Sound seeking a new director
  •  Date Posted: Fri, 17 Nov 2023
    Newfound Sound seeking a new director
    Newfound Sound is seeking a music director to lead our chorus and help cultivate women's acappella harmony in this province! If you or someone you know is interested in this unique opportunity, just review the attached posting and email us at the contact information listed in the ad! Feel free to share it with others. We would love to hear from you! 
  • Weekly Rehearsals to resume September 6th
  •  Date Posted: Tue, 22 Aug 2023
    Weekly Rehearsals to resume September 6th
    Summer time in Newfoundland is often short and sweet! So we want to let eveyone know our weekly rehearsals will be starting up again on September 6th. If you love to sing and you're looking for a fun way meet new friends, you should check out one of our rehearsals. Everything you need to know is listed on this webpage. problem, just contact us by email and we'll get back to you! It's going to be another great year of song and friendship for Newfound Sound! 
  • Raffle Winner Sydney Dooley Vrstala
  •  Date Posted: Fri, 4 Aug 2023
    Raffle Winner Sydney Dooley Vrstala
    Newfound Sound is pleased to present the winner of our Raffle Draw - Sydney Dooley-Vrstala. Enjoy your prizes Sydney! And thank you to everyone who supported us! A special thank you to the businesses that donated the fabulous prizes:
    Sheraton Hotel, Rosewood Spa,,The Upper Cut Barber, Oliver's Restaurant, Vu Resto Bar, Le Boudoir, The Escape Room, Yoga Bloom, Tickle Trunk, Outfitters, O'Brien's Music, Crafted Treasures, The Battery Cafe, Belbin's, and chorus member donations! 

  • Newfound Sound at the Downtown Pedestrian Mall July 2023
  •  Date Posted: Sun, 16 Jul 2023
    Newfound Sound at the Downtown Pedestrian Mall July 2023
    Newfound Sounds was thrilled to perform at the 2023 Downtown Pedestrian Mall. The weather was beautiful and the street was bustling with activity. Thank you to all our family and friends who stopped by to listen and say "hi". We would like to thank the City of St. John's for giving us the opportunity to participate in this awesome event to celebrate summer 2023 in North America's oldest city! Have a great summer!
  • Newfound Sound donates $250 to the MUN Food Bank
  •  Date Posted: Fri, 23 Jun 2023
    Newfound Sound donates $250 to the MUN Food Bank
    We are all aware of how community food banks are struggling to keep up with demand during these challenging times. Newfound Sound President Dawn O'Rourke and Treasurer Sharon Rose recently donated $250 to the MUN Food Bank from funds raised through our weekly member's 50/50 draw. Robyn White accepted our donation and was very appreciative of the support.  
  • 2023 Summer Escape Raffle
  •  Date Posted: Sun, 18 Jun 2023
    2023 Summer Escape Raffle
    We are very excited to launch our 2023 Summer Escape Raffle, a beautiful picnic basket filled with lots of wonderful gifts and cards! Funds will be used toward travel expenses for Newfound Sound for the 2024 AC&C Contest and Convention in Sackville NB in June. Tickets are just $2 each or 3 for $5. Get one before the draw date of August 1st. Just contact one of our members or send us a message...we'll make sure you'll have your chance to win all these wonderful gifts! Thank you to our supporters for their donations. We really appreciate it!

    Sheraton Hotel $200 gift certificate
    Rosewood Spa $100 gift certificate
    Uppercut Barber four $24 gift certificates total $96
    Oliver's Restaurant $100 gift certificate
    Vu/Slainte Wine & Wiskey Bar $100 gift certificate
    Le Boudoir pjs $100
    The Escape Room 2 passes $60
    Yoga Bloom 2 passes $34
    Tickle Trunk Charauterie board with utensils $45; S&P mills $30; set stainless steel lobster forks $30
    Outfitters travel bag $45; water bottle $20; waterproof carry-all bag $20
    O'Brien's Music cap and Harry Hibbs T-shirt $45
    The Battery Cafe Detour coffee $20 and The Battery Cafe Apron $30
    Donations from chorus members Argentinian wine & two wine glasses $35; Sweetheart Bath Co. set $15, Swarovski crystal stud earrings $80; card wallet $50 Anita Stewart's Canada cookbook $30

    Prize Total $1,285  
  • Newfound Sound Honour Roll 2023
  •  Date Posted: Wed, 31 May 2023
    Newfound Sound Honour Roll 2023
    Congratulations to the members who received their membership recognition and other awards for 2023, including 25 years for Corinne Moore and Anna Tapper, five years for Paula Hanley and Sharon Rose, and Barbershopper of the Year award to Elizabeth Lacasse. We also officially welcomed new member Corinne Wentzell, who joined our bass section. Also, we are grateful for the support and commitment of our board members for 2023/24 President Dawn O'Rourke, VP/Membership Diane Power, Secretary Paula Hanley, Treasurer Sharone Rose, Chair of Social/Costumes Corinne Moore, Chair of PR/Fundraising Robin Bartlett, Chrous Manager Anne Hollett, Music Chair Anna Tapper. We also extend our appreciation to our Director, Anita Power and music team members Glendine Martin and Wynn Browning. Of course, we are so thankful to all our chorus members who support our chapter so much, and who lend their voices in song every week to keep the friendship and harmony going we have done for the past 35 years! 
  • Education Day with Area 1 April 15 2023
  •  Date Posted: Fri, 28 Apr 2023
    Education Day with Area 1 April 15 2023
    We were excited to participate in Area 1 Sing into Spring education day this month. Since we couldn't be there in Nova Scotia in person, we attended virtually. It gave us an opportunity to hear about what's going on in our area, have access to great learning resources, learn a new song, and most connect with our harmony friends in Atlantic Canada! The Admiralty House in Mount Pearl was a lovely venue. Thank to you all the presenters, organizers and participants! 
  • Supporting the Book Fair Fundraiser
  •  Date Posted: Tue, 11 Apr 2023
    Supporting the Book Fair Fundraiser
    Newfound Sound was very pleased to support the huge book fair fundraiser held by the Canadian Federation of University Women (CFUW) that raises money for women's scholarships. It added entertainment for the fair and gave us an opportunity to promote our chapter for perspective members and performances...Win Win event! Thank you to the CFUW for this opportunity. Congratulations on all your good work! 
  • "Sing into Spring" Education Day
  •  Date Posted: Sat, 25 Mar 2023
    "Sing into Spring" Education Day
    Are you a woman or non-binary person interested in learning to sing barbershop style?
    Newfound Sound Women’s Barbershop Chorus invites you to join them at the “Sing into Spring!” virtual, barbershop workshop! Come share an enjoyable day of singing and having some fun while learning a new song and singing techniques from some of the finest experts in our barbershop harmony community.
    NO musical training or experience is required. There's NO commitment to join our chorus.
    Find out what "a capella", four-part harmony is all about.  It might be your next favourite hobby!

    So come sing into spring with Newfound Sound and meet some friendly, fun women too on...
    Saturday April 15, from 9:30 AM to 4 PM at Admiralty House, 365 Old Placentia Road, Mount Pearl, 
    (or view the workshop on your device from the comfort of your home).

    Registration is $20. The deadline to register to participate virtually is Monday, April 10.
    For more details, visit the Harmony Inc. Area 1's (Atlantic region) website: http://www.harmonyarea1.ca8,
    or click on the calendar link on this page! Call Madeline at 754-7202 to register.
  • Fundraising for St. James United Church
  •  Date Posted: Sat, 3 Dec 2022
    Fundraising for St. James United Church
    We were very pleased to support the Christmas fundraiser for St. James United Church by performing at their Bethlehem Bazaar. We are so thankful to St. James for providing our weekly rehearsal space. We wish you and your patrons the very best for the Christmas season and a happy New Year!    
  • Commissariat House Candlelight Christmas
  •  Date Posted: Wed, 30 Nov 2022
    Commissariat House Candlelight Christmas
    Recently, we had the joy of singing Christmas carols at one of our favourite annual events...Candlelight Christmas at Commissariat House. This beautiful historic property from the late 1800's is the perfect backdrop to stir the spirit of what it must have been like to celebrate all those years ago...and probably singing some of the same carols that we sang in 2022! Thanks to NL Provincial Historic Sites for inviting us again this year and for collecting items for the local food bank. Happy Holidays 🌲
  • Newfound Sound supports Socks in the City fundraiser
  •  Date Posted: Tue, 8 Nov 2022
    Newfound Sound supports Socks in the City fundraiser
    Newfound Sound was thrilled again this year to support the Socks in the City fundraiser event for Daffodil Place! There were beautiful homemade and hand-crafted products, gifts, and ticket draws. It was our first official holiday season performance and it was a great success. Thank you to Linday Ryan and her organizing team for inviting us and for being such a great supporter of Newfound Sound. 
  • It's great to perform in person again!
  •  Date Posted: Tue, 27 Sep 2022
    It's great to perform in person again!
    It was such a pleasure to perform in person for the District Grand Lodge St. Andrew Masonic Ladies event this week! The event was given to thank the ladies for their volunteer work at t he lodge. They were certainly a fun and enthusiastic group to perform for! We sang a wide selection covering pop, traditional, inspirational and even had audience participation in our Sing Along Set! They gave us a standing ovation! Thank you ladies!  Congratulations on all your volunteer work!
  • Madeline Power receives Area 1 Award
  •  Date Posted: Thu, 23 Jun 2022
    Madeline Power receives Area 1 Award
    Newfound Sound is very proud to send congratulations to our member Madeline Power for receiving an award of appreciation from Area 1 Director Linda McMaster at the recent AC&C in Debert, NS. Madeline's tireless work for Area  and Harmony Inc. is reflected in her willingness to volunteer for so many roles at the area level, including treasurer, AC&C Team, and Area 1 website manager. Madeline brings her strong organizational and financial skills to these roles. Of course, her positive attitude, helpful manner, and beautiful singing voice are what we also appreciate. Always constructive in her work for Harmony Inc., thank you for all your hard work Madeline! 
  • Celebrating together with friendship and song!
  •  Date Posted: Thu, 23 Jun 2022
    Celebrating together with friendship and song!
    As the summer season began, we set aside an evening to celebrate the commitment, dedication and friendship that we are so lucky to have in our chorus! Our social committee decorated our space and set out lovely dining tables. We enjoyed a cold plate supper with all the trimmings. Member Diane made a delicious chocolate kahlua cake. We held our installation of officers. We presented several years of service pins, including Dawn for 10 years, Madeline for 15 years, Heather for 20 years, and Wynn for 25 years! Then we entertained each other with song!  It was an lovely celebration of our members and the wonderful organization that we are all a part of. We will be taking a little break from regular weekly rehearsals over the summer. But we'll be back again in September! So reach out to us on Facebook or our website. Maybe singing with Newfound Sound Chorus will be the next exciting craft for you in the fall of 2022! 
  • Spring Sing 22!
  •  Date Posted: Fri, 27 May 2022
    Spring Sing 22!
    Newfound Sound celebrated this week with its first ever Spring Sing 22! This event was about members entertaining and being each other! Over the past few months, members selected songs to sing in a small group. You could learn a song you never sang before in a part that you don't usually sing! Or sing what you were comfortable with. We ended up with quartets, octets and VLQs singing a wonderful variety of music from our past and present repertoire. Every member had a chance to perform in several groups. There was an open-mic segment where we told jokes and stories. And of course, we had lovely refreshments, decorations and a little bag of treats to take-away! What a time! Sharing friendship and harmony...that what it's all about! Happy spring! 
  • Congratulations Artwork Winner Sharon Rose!
  •  Date Posted: Thu, 12 May 2022
    Congratulations Artwork Winner Sharon Rose!
    This amazing artwork was created by member Diane Power (right) and donated to the chrous for a fundraiser. The lucky winner was member Sharon Rose (left). We really appreciate the talent, support and contributions of our chorus members! Thanks so much!
  • Welcome to our new website!
  •  Date Posted: Fri, 15 Apr 2022
    Welcome to our new website!
    Welcome to Newfound Sound's brand new website! It offers the public lots of information about our history, what we're up to, how to join or book a performance. For members, it provides lots of new and innovative ways to stay in touch, access resources and share information that we want you to know about. So take a few minutes to browse and reach out to us if there's anything you need to know. We would love to hear from you!
  • Our newest Newfound Sound members join Harmony Inc
  •  Date Posted: Thu, 14 Apr 2022
    Our newest  Newfound Sound members join Harmony Inc
    Newfound Sound's two newest members join Harmony Inc. With pride and excitement, Robin Bartlett and Diane Power received their shiny new Harmony pins and membership cards from President Elizabeth Lacasse and VP?Membership Dawn O'Rourke. Robin has been learning the barbershop craft in the lead section and Diane has been very keen to learn the bass part. We are so happy both these wonderful women have decided to become part of HI. Congratulations from your singing sisters in Newfound Sound! 
  • Happy St. Patrick's Day
  •  Date Posted: Thu, 17 Mar 2022
    Happy St. Patrick's Day
    Happy St. Patrick's Day from Newfound Sound!
    We had our first in person rehearsal for 2022 this week! How lucky are we to be able to sing together again 🍀
  • Newfound Sound & Covid-19 Restrictions
  •  Date Posted: Sat, 12 Feb 2022
    Newfound Sound & Covid-19 Restrictions

    Newfound Sound follows all public health guidelines for our rehearsals and/or performances. As a result, rehearsal times and locations may be impacted and are subject to change. If you have any questions, please email us at or contact a member of the chorus. Thank you for your continued support!
  • Area 1 Contest & Convention 2019
  •  Date Posted: Sat, 12 Feb 2022
    Area 1 Contest & Convention 2019
    In May 2019, Newfound Sound was thrilled to return to the contest stage at the Atlantic Area 1 Convention and Contest (AC&C) in Sackville, NB. With 17 enthusiastic members on the risers, we proudly represented Newfoundland and Labrador and received the Silver Division award. We will take the techniques and feedback offered by the judges to enhance our performance skills as we go forward to grow our chorus. We greatly appreciate the support of Area 1. We are very grateful for the leadership and energy of our Director, Branden Olsen and for the dedication of our members who come together in song and friendship to share in this rewarding craft we love so much!
  • Newfound Sound Receives Area 1 Membership Award 2019/2020 (Newfound Sound)
  •  Date Posted: Sun, 26 Jul 2020
    Newfound Sound Receives Area 1 Membership Award 2019/2020
    Newfound Sound was very proud to receive the Area 1 Membership Award to acknowledge our 28.6% increase in membership for 2019-2020. Seven of our new members joined Harmony with our March 2020 renewal, plus three joined in March 2019, bringing our current membership total to 27. Our chorus worked hard to attract members over the past two years using a free a cappella vocal workshop and lots of PR campaigning, both in person and online. A generous grant from the Bruneau Centre for Excellence in Choral Music at MUN supported our goal to promote and sustain women’s barbershop singing in the province. With our new logo, updated posters, business cards and letters, we hope to continue our efforts to strengthen our membership and take on more performances. President Anna Tapper and Vice President Anita Power Taylor proudly display the certificate. We are looking forward to having a formal presentation with our membership in the future when it is safe to gather in person. Thank you Area 1 for the recognition and continued support!

    For more information about Newfound Sound or to contact us, please visit us on Facebook Newfound Sound Barbershop Chorus our webpage or email us
Copyright © 2024 Newfound Sound