
  • Regarding The chorus in general
  • Thanks to you all for your beautiful part in Sock in the City, Etc. yesterday in support of Daffodil Place! It means a lot, as you know, and I am honoured that you continue to support the cause in this way. Joe Gibbons from the Telegram took a photo of the group and he tells me that it appears in today's Telegram on the feature page...Thanks again!
    Linda Ryan, Socks in the City organizer Nov. 2022

    Member Bev K. underwent surgery last year, which was followed by several weeks in hospital and several months of rehabilitation. Bev had to retrain her brain to do many daily tasks from scratch. Thankfully, Bev had an amazing health care team and wonderful family support. Barbershop singing was an important part of her rehabilitation. Bev used chorus song lyrics and music to exercise her brain muscles and strengthen her memory skills. Bev explains it like this ""I love singing and especially barbershop singing so it wasn't long before it was all coming back to me and my brain was on the road to recovery. I feel I have become a better person because of this whole journey. Barbershop helps me make a joyful noise and we all have so much to be joyful for."

    We are all very joyful to know that Bev is doing so well. We wish her the very best with her continued recovery. It just goes to show that a little bit of harmony can do wonders for your health and well-being! Welcome back Bev! With harmony and love from your Newfound Sound Chorus!


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